
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dictionar de termeni

Aici veti gasi cei mai importanti termeni folositi la tranzactionarea valutelor si explicatiile acestora.

Bear market - O piata in care preturile sunt in scadere

Bull market - O piata in care preturile sunt in crestere

Hedging - Actiunea prin care se deschide o pozitie contrara pozitiei principale pentru a diminua riscurile.

Leverage - Cunoscut si ca "margin". Suma de bani pe care investitorul trebuie sa o depuna pentru a putea deschide o pozitie. Leverage este exprimat sub forma de raport. De exemplu, un leverage de 1:50 inseamna ca pentru $50 tranzactionati este nevoie de un depozit de $1. Cu cat leverage este mai mare, cu atat se pot tranzactiona sume mai mari cu un depozit mai mic.

Pereche valutara - O pereche formata din doua valute care exprima raportul dintre acestea. Prima valuta se numeste valuta de baza iar cea de a doua se numeste contravaluta. Un exemplu de pereche valutara este EUR/USD.

Pip - Numit si point (punct). Cea mai mica unitate a unei cotatii valutare. De regula un pip este a patra zecimala a unei cote valutare.

Pozitie long - Atunci cand valuta de baza a fost cumparata. Pozitiile long mizeaza pe cresterea cursului.

Pozitie short - Atunci cand valuta de baza a fost vanduta. Pozitiile short mizeaza pe scaderea cursului.

Punct de rezistenta - Un anumit nivel al cursului la care se banuieste ca traderii vor incepe sa vanda. Analiza tehnica incearca sa identifice aceste puncte, pentru a anticipa corect evolutia cursului.

Punct de suport - Un anumit nivel al cursului la care se banuieste ca traderii vor incepe sa cumpere. Analiza tehnica incearca sa identifice aceste puncte, pentru a anticipa corect evolutia cursului.

Slippage - Diferenta dintre cursul la care s-a executat ordinul si cel la care a fost ordonat. Slippage poate aparea atunci cand piata este foarte volatila, si cursul se schimba in cateva secunde. Acesta apare de obicei atunci cand se tranzactioneaza in timpul stirilor economice importante.

Spread - Diferenta dintre pretul de cumparare si cel de vanzare al unei perechi valutare. Pe piata valutara forex spreadurile la principalele perechi valutare se masoara in pips.

Stop loss - Ordinul prin care se limiteaza riscul unei tranzactii. Prin aplicarea uni stop loss traderul se asigura ca nu poate pierede pe o tranzactie mai mult decat suma pe care este dispus sa o riste.

Take profit - Ordinul prin care tranzactia se va inchide in momentul in care se realizeaza un anumit profit.

Testează tranzacţionarea Forex cu un bonus 
de 50$ fara depozit.
Inscrieti-va cu HiWayFx 
Aceasta oferta este valabila persoanelor cu resedinta in Romania pe perioada 01 Februarie - 28 Februarie 2015. 
Pentru inscrierea la aceasta promotie vor fi necesare documente care sa ateste rezidenta in Romania. 
In caz contrar compania isi rezerva dreptul de a nu acorda acest bonus.

M Samer Al Reifae
Official Representative in Romania at HiWayFX
+40 734 277 757

HiWayFX is a recent entry in the Forex arena and offers trading services
 in over 80 instruments including currencies, indices, metals and oil.
licensed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange 
Commission (CySEC) under license number 252/14

General Information
Broker Type: ECN
Account currencies: USD and EURO
Languages: English, Spanish, Indonesian, Russian
Account Currencies: DKK, NOK, PLN, TRY, HUF, ZAR, MXN, CZK, SEK, SGD, HKD, CNY, RUB
Minimum Deposit: $20
Maximum Leverage: 1:1000
Minimum Trade Size: 0.01
Scalping: Yes
Hedging: Yes
Free Demo Account: Yes
Traders From USA: No
Islamic Account: Yes

Trade in The Fast Lane

I_ Exclusively 1:1000 leverage.
For this option:
1_You have to select Standard NDD Account When you want to Open trading account.
2_Select the above leverage.

II_You may have running 30% tradable bonus OR 100%
non-tradable bonus for Standard accounts upon request.

30% tradable bonus 

 100% bonus

We may offer 50% deposit bonus 
(Stand acc, terms the same apart from leverate up to 1:300 and stop out 100%, max $4000)

III_Loyalty points.
Needs better incentives: As a part of the HiWayFX will to support its clients,
the Company will credit loyalty points to the clients trading accounts.
These points could be used for trading. No additional conditions apply. 1lot=100 points.

IV_World Rally Forex.
Open a LIVE/DEMO Account & Win Cash Prizes
A total of 4,000$ every month is given to the winners!

Trading Platforms and Accounts
HiWayFX offers four different trading platforms: MetaTrader 4 Windows which is described 
as a ‘light’ platform application which can be installed on any computer that runs Windows XP (SP2) or newer. 
The MetaTrader 4 for Mac uses applications 
such as "Wine" and "PlayOnMac" and the MetaTrader 4 versions for Android and IOS 
are easily installed. 
Download instructions for all four versions are provided on the site.
There are also four different trading accounts available on HiWayFX. 
The HiWayFX Standard NDD requires a minimum deposit 
of only $20 to start and there is leverage available of 1:1 up to 1:1000.
This is a Non Dealing Desk (NDD) account with virtually no delays in execution. 
The ECN NDD account is for more advanced traders and requires 
a minimum deposit of $150 and leverage up to 1:500.
There are two demo accounts, the standard demo account with $100,000
 in virtual funds and the ECN NDD Demo account. Both have live market execution.

Trading and Investment Tools
Trading Platforms
MetaTrader 4 iOS By Meta Quotes
  MetaTrader 4 By Meta Quotes
  MetaTrader 4 Android By Meta Quotes
  MetaTrader 4 MAC By Meta Quotes
Stop Order: Yes
Limit Order: Yes
Market Order: Yes
Trailing Stop Order: Yes
OCO Orders: Yes
One Click Trading: Yes
24hr Trading: Yes
Charting Package: No
Trade off Charts: Yes
Streaming News Feed: Yes
Email Alerts: Yes
Mobile Alerts: Yes

Fees & Commissions

Forex: 0.002% pet transaction only for ECN account type
CFDs: 3$ pet lot (for stock Indices)
Margin Interest: Yes
Depositing Fees:
Deposits from credit cards are covered by HiwayFX

Service Details

Customer Service By: Newsletter, Call Back, Phone, Chat, Email
Customer Service Hours: Up to 24 Hours
Email Response Time: Immediate
Telephone Orders: Yes
Personal Account Manager: Yes

M Samer Al Reifae
Official Representative in Romania at HiWayFX
+40 734 277 757

 Do your own due diligence. 
No one knows tomorrow's price or circumstance. 
 I intend to portray my thoughts and ideas on the subject which may s be used as a tool for the reader. 
I do not accept responsibility for being incorrect in my speculations on market trend. 
 King Regards