Un trader trebuie sa aiba intotdeauna responsabilitate, si sa isi controleze impulsurile de moment care ii pot aduce castigur exagerate dar il pot si ruina. Pe nici o piata financiara nu exista nimic sigur. Indiferent cat de evidenta ar parea o situatie, exista riscul ca evolutia sa nu fie cea preconizata.
Sunt cunoscute situatii in care brokeri de renume mondial au mizat totul pe o operatiune aparent sigura si au pierdut. Exista banci care au dat faliment datorita unor astfel de brokeri iresponsabili. Chiar daca unii dintre ei au avut performante excelente in trecut si au analizat corect situatia, a fost suficienta o doza mare de ghinion pentru ca totul sa se naruie.
Asa cum pe bursele de valori se recomanda o diversificare a portofoliului, exista anumite principii de gestiune a riscului si pe piata valutara.
Regula de baza a tranzactionarii la bursa este "Don't invest money you can't afford to lose" (Nu investiti bani pe care nu va permiteti sa-i pierdeti). Investitia la bursa trebuie facuta din bani care nu au ca destinatie cheltuieli pe termen scurt sau mediu. O eventuala pierdere a intregii investitii nu trebuie sa afecteze in nici un fel nivelul de trai al investitorului.
Pentru a limita riscul pe bursa valutara, traderii cu experienta recomanda folosirea a maxim 3% din banii alocati tranzactionarii pe o singura operatiune. Astfel, in cazul in care operatiunea se va incheia in pierdere, bugetul destinat tranzactionarii pe piata valutara nu va fi puternic afectat. Si cei mai buni traderi au perioade in care cele mai multe tranzactii sunt in pierdere. O astfel de strategie limiteaza pierderea in situatiile neplacute, si permite o redresare ulterioara.
Recomandarea de 3% este valabila in primul rand pentru cei care trnactioneaza pe sume mari. Cei care investesc sume mici pot risca si 10% sau chiar mai mult pe o operatiune, asta in cazul in care isi permit sa realimenteze contul de la brokerul forex dupa o eventuala pierdere. Si in cazul acestora, recomandarea ramane valabila in ceea ce priveste totalul disponibilitatii banesti pentru astfel de investitii.
Sa presupunem ca doriti sa investiti maxim 2000 USD pe piata valutara, insa preferati sa incepeti printr-un depozit de 200 USD la brokerul forex ales. In mod evident nu veti folosi doar 3% din 200 ($6) pe o operatiune. Gestiunea riscului va recomanda totusi sa nu folositi mai mult de 3% din $2000 ($60) pe o singura operatiune.
Nerespectand nici o strategie de gestiune a riscului puteti castiga sume mari de bani, dar puteti oricand sa ramaneti cu contul gol. Traderii care nu au nici o strategie in ceea ce priveste riscul sunt mai degraba gambleri decat investitori.
O alta recomndare in gestiunea riscului este folosirea unei strategii consecvente de stop-loss / take-profit pe toate operatiunile. O astfel de strategie ar putea suna in felul urmator: operatiunea se inchide fie cu o pierdere de $50, fie cu un castig de $100. In cazul unei astfel de strategii, este suficient sa castigati mai mult de o treime din operatiuni si veti obtine profit.
Toti brokerii forex recomandati de noi la sectiunea brokeri ofera posibilitatea plasarii unor astfel de ordine, precum si o flexibilitate sporita in ceea ce priveste gestiunea riscului si a banilor din contul dvs.
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Aceasta oferta este valabila persoanelor cu resedinta in Romania pe perioada 01 Februarie - 28 Februarie 2015.
Pentru inscrierea la aceasta promotie vor fi necesare documente care sa ateste rezidenta in Romania.
In caz contrar compania isi rezerva dreptul de a nu acorda acest bonus.
M Samer Al Reifae
Official Representative in Romania at HiWayFX
+40 734 277 757
in over 80 instruments including currencies, indices, metals and oil.
licensed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange
Commission (CySEC) under license number 252/14
General Information
Broker Type: ECN
Account currencies: USD and EURO
Languages: English, Spanish, Indonesian, Russian
Account Currencies: DKK, NOK, PLN, TRY, HUF, ZAR, MXN, CZK, SEK, SGD, HKD, CNY, RUB
Minimum Deposit: $20
Maximum Leverage: 1:1000
Minimum Trade Size: 0.01
Scalping: Yes
Hedging: Yes
Free Demo Account: Yes
Traders From USA: No
Islamic Account: Yes
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HiWayFX offers four different trading platforms: MetaTrader 4 Windows which is described
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are easily installed.
as a ‘light’ platform application which can be installed on any computer that runs Windows XP (SP2) or newer.
The MetaTrader 4 for Mac uses applications
such as "Wine" and "PlayOnMac" and the MetaTrader 4 versions for Android and IOS
are easily installed.
Download instructions for all four versions are provided on the site.
There are also four different trading accounts available on HiWayFX.
The HiWayFX Standard NDD requires a minimum deposit
of only $20 to start and there is leverage available of 1:1 up to 1:1000.
This is a Non Dealing Desk (NDD) account with virtually no delays in execution.
The ECN NDD account is for more advanced traders and requires
a minimum deposit of $150 and leverage up to 1:500.
The HiWayFX Standard NDD requires a minimum deposit
of only $20 to start and there is leverage available of 1:1 up to 1:1000.
This is a Non Dealing Desk (NDD) account with virtually no delays in execution.
The ECN NDD account is for more advanced traders and requires
a minimum deposit of $150 and leverage up to 1:500.
There are two demo accounts, the standard demo account with $100,000
in virtual funds and the ECN NDD Demo account. Both have live market execution.
in virtual funds and the ECN NDD Demo account. Both have live market execution.
Trading Platforms
MetaTrader 4 iOS By Meta Quotes
MetaTrader 4 By Meta Quotes
MetaTrader 4 Android By Meta Quotes
MetaTrader 4 MAC By Meta Quotes
Stop Order: Yes
Limit Order: Yes
Market Order: Yes
Trailing Stop Order: Yes
OCO Orders: Yes
One Click Trading: Yes
24hr Trading: Yes
Charting Package: No
Trade off Charts: Yes
Streaming News Feed: Yes
Email Alerts: Yes
Mobile Alerts: Yes
Fees & Commissions
Forex: 0.002% pet transaction only for ECN account type
CFDs: 3$ pet lot (for stock Indices)
Margin Interest: Yes
Depositing Fees:
Deposits from credit cards are covered by HiwayFX
Service Details
Customer Service By: Newsletter, Call Back, Phone, Chat, Email
Customer Service Hours: Up to 24 Hours
Email Response Time: Immediate
Telephone Orders: Yes
Personal Account Manager: Yes
Official Representative in Romania at HiWayFX
+40 734 277 757
Do your own due diligence.
No one knows tomorrow's price or circumstance.
I intend to portray my thoughts and ideas on the subject which may s be used as a tool for the reader.
I do not accept responsibility for being incorrect in my speculations on market trend.
I intend to portray my thoughts and ideas on the subject which may s be used as a tool for the reader.
I do not accept responsibility for being incorrect in my speculations on market trend.
King Regards